Friday, October 8, 2010

Advance the Church Fall 2010 Regional Session 2: Tyler Jones

Here are my notes on the second session of the Fall 2010 Advance the Church Regional Meeting at Vintage21 Church, Raleigh:

Advance the Church Regional Meeting Fall ‘01
October 8, 2010
Session #2: Tyler Jones, Vintage21 Church, Raleigh, NC
“Becoming a Multiplying Church”

Mission, health, or growth: which is the most important? How do we keep all of them functioning at the same time?

These are not three different areas but parts of one thing: DISCIPLESHIP

Statistics to come on Advance the Church blog

The key problem is that we have failed in discipleship.

Vintage21 took “temperature” of the body to find if stats held true:
Elders very committed
Deacons mostly committed, but big drop-off after…
Members maybe about half faithful
Regular attenders far behind

I. The Core: What Discipleship is
1. Gospel transformation (Titus 3:4-7)
In discipleship, we are not trying to become something we are not; we are seeking to become what we already are by regeneration.
So discipleship is aligning with what has been done within and rejecting old tendencies toward the old nature.
2. Spirit empowered living
3. Bearing one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2)

II. What Feeds the Core?
1. Life on life tension
2. Content and Training
1) How to study the Bible
2) Pray
3) Mission
4) What it means to be a disciple

III. How Are We Going to Shape a Culture of Discipleship?
1. We can only influence, not mandate change
2. The process will be organic and messy with little to no control
3. Our current program of depending on staff leadership will almost certainly fail
4. (skipped due to time and perceived confusion)
5. Everyone needs to be involved
6. Movements that have influenced culture have historically been led by the young
7. Requires collaboration of different strategies
8. Hinges on the Spirit
9. A journey & not a destination
10. Needs to work on multiple levels
11. IT WILL LOOK LIKE JESUS if done properly

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